II - Rite for the Blessing of and Enrollment in the Scapular
- The officiant welcomes the faithful gathered before the main altar or before a picture of our Lady.
Min. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
R/ Amen. Min. The Lord be with you.
R/ And also with you.
Min. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ born of the Virgin Mary, the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
R/ And also with you.
The officiant invites those present to take part in the rite for the blessing o the enrolment in the Scapular with the following or other similar words, which explain the nature of this celebration:
When Jesus walked on earth, whoever even touched the hem of his garment became whole. We praise the Lord, because in his Church he continues to use the humblest of means to show us his infinite mercy. We too can use these means to glorify the Lord, to express our desire to serve him and to renew our life-long commitment of fidelity made at our baptism.
This Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a sign of the motherly love of the Virgin Mary, which reminds us of her care for the members of the Carmelite family, especially in moments of great need. It is a love which invites love in return.
This Scapular is a sign of communion with the Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel dedicated to the service of our Lady for the good of the whole Church. With this Scapular you express the desire to take part in the spirit and life of the Order. The Scapular is a mirror of the humility and purity of Mary through her simplicity she invites us to live modestly and in purity.
By wearing the Scapular day and night, it becomes a sign of our constant prayer and of our special dedication to the love and service of the Virgin Mary. By wearing the Scapular, you renew your baptismal vow to put on our Lord Jesus Christ. In Mary, your hope of salvation will be safe-guarded, because in her the God of Life has made his abode.
The Word of God
One of those present reads a text from Sacred Scripture. The texts quoted below refer particularly to the mystery of salvation or to devotion to the holy Virgin. One of the following texts may be chosen: From the Old Testament Pr 8:17-21. I love those who love me. Is 61:1-2, 10. He has clothed me with a mantle of justice. 2 K 2:7-13. The mantle of Elijah fell on Elisha. Ba 5:1-5. Clothe yourselves with the beauty of God. Ezk 16:8—14. Your beauty was perfect. From the New Testament Rm 12: 1-2. This is your spiritual worship. GA 4:4-7. God sent his Son born of the woman. Ep 4:17, 20-24. Clothe yourselves with the new man. Ep 6:10-17. Take strength from the Lord. Mk 5:25-3. The woman touched the garment of Jesus and was cured. Lk 2: 4-8. Mary wrapped her Firstborn in swaddling clothes. A Short Exhortation: After the reading, the officiant addresses those present briefly to explain, in the light of the Word of God, the meaning of the celebration, the graces and obligations attached to the Scapular.